Learn to Play Hymns



Learn to Read Hymns

Join the 1 Million Hymns Challenge

Hymns Started

(People who have started learning a new hymn)

Hymns Completed

(People who have earned 80% accuracy on a hymn)

Hymns Mastered

(People who have earned 96% accuracy on a hymn)

Join us to reach our goal to teach over one million hymns! Each time someone learns a new hymn in the free Piano Marvel software we get closer to our goal! Don’t have a Piano Marvel account? Create a free Piano Marvel account today and start learning to play hymns with the World’s best piano learning software.

Learn any hymn in Piano Marvel from these collections plus more!

Each hymn learned helps us reach our goal!
Traditional Hymns by Hal Leonard book cover
The Celebration Hymnal, Songs and Hymns for Worship book cover
LDS Selected Hymns book cover
LDS Hymns Made Easy book cover

What is Boot Camp?

Boot Camp is an immersion course for learning to read music much like you would immerse yourself in a foreign country to learn a language. Studies show that the time it takes to learn to read music is shortened dramatically through this unique approach.

How does it work?

You connect your midi enabled keyboard to your device, create a free account, select the hymns boot camp you want, click start and follow the instructions.

Who is it for?

The Hymns Boot Camp is designed for all ages and levels of ability. It is perfect for everyone from beginning students with no knowledge of piano to students who are perfecting their ability to sight read the hymns.